Gull Lake Little League's divisions are designed so that players of similar age, grade and skills play together, aiding in their development as ball players. As players advance through the divisions, additional skills are developed and play becomes more challenging and competitive. There are many divisions of play for both Baseball and Softball, to determine what division your child could play please refer to the attached Age Charts.
| Tee Ball (coed) | Coach Pitch (coed) | Little Minors (Machine Pitch) | Minors
| Majors
| Intermediate
| Junior
Boys | 4-5 yrs* | 5-6 yrs** | 7-8 yrs | 9-10 yrs | 11-12 yrs | 12-13 yrs | 13-14 yrs |
Girls | 4-5 yrs* | 5-6 yrs** | 7-8 yrs | 9-10 yrs | 11-12 yrs | NA | 13-14 yrs |
*Players must be born on or before 8/31/2020
**Players who are league age 5 that have participated for one regular season in the Tee Ball Division are eligible to be “moved up” to the Coach-Pitch Division.
NOTE: Please see Little league Age Charts - links on the right - as the Player Age may be different than your child's current age.